Multi-Tiered Student Support (MTSS) is not a curriculum nor an intervention. It is simply a framework to identify student needs, which includes universal screening, using data to make decisions, implementing evidence-based practices, and monitoring progress.

Multi-Level Prevention System
MTSS Pyramid
Universal Screening
mCLASS and MAP Growth logo

The North Slope Borough School District believes in a balanced assessment approach. This means that we assess in the following ways: Interim Assessments, State Summative Assessments, In-Class Formative Assessments, and Universal Screeners.

Universal Screeners quickly identify what levels of support a student may need in a given area.

NSBSD uses mCLass and MAP Growth universal screening tools.

Progress Monitoring

When a student needs additional support, progress monitoring provides regular, useful feedback about the effectiveness of the intervention provided.

Students are progress monitored bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the level of support.

Data-Based Decision Making

Students are more than data points.

However, data from our screeners and classroom assessments provide teachers valuable information about what each student is ready to learn next. This helps teachers individualize each student's learning.