Trapping continues
Seal hunting
Seal skins prepared for bleaching
Polar bear hunting
Build/repair skin boats
Trapping continues
Caribou skins drying outside
Seal and ugruk skins also drying/bleaching
Seal hunting
Continue build/repair skin boats
Some polar bear hunting
Seal hunting
Trapping continues for fox, wolf and wolverine
Women sew ugruk skins for skin boats
New skins put on boat frames
Hunting tools repaired
Female polar bears bring out their young
End of trapping season
Whaling season begins
Caribou and ground squirrel hunting inland
Time to clean cellars if not done during winter
Birth of young seals
Whaling continues
Geese/ptarmigan hunting inland
Duck hunting on ice
Ice breakup on rivers
Seals on ice at Qaaktugvik
Ugruk have their young
Caribou fawning period
Nalukataq in the whaling communities (Kak, Nui, Brw, Am, Pho)
Going off to Summer camps
Fishing on rivers and lakes begins
Seal hunting
Fishing in Qaaktugvik
Camping and hunting continues
Fishing continues
Caribou hunting
Gathering eggs in Pt. Hope
Ugruk and walrus hunting
Drying meat and making seal oil
Preparing ugruk skins for boats
Caribou hunting by boats, some by snow machines
Ugruk and aiviq hunting continues
Ugruk skins prepared for boat bottoms
Some people still in their summer fishing and hunting camps.
Duck hunting at Pigniq.
Some fishing with nets at Pigniq
Boat frames built
Geese hunting in Wainwright
Tuktaq making time
Fishing on the rivers
Berry picking inland
Panmaksrak coming through
Some duck hunting
Beginning of fall bowhead whale hunt
Moose hunting
Whaling in Kaktovik/Nuiqsut/Barrow
Fall whaling continues
Ice fishing on rivers and lakes
Caribou hunting first part of the month
Ice fishing along coastline for cod fish
Polar bear hunting on the coastline
Seal hunting
Some hunters still at fish camps
Traditional Thanksgiving Feasts
Trapping season for fox, wolf, wolverine
Seal hunting
Polar bear hunting
Traditional Christmas Feasts
Traditional games of skill and endurance
Time to clean ice cellars and houses for the new year