Closing school is a judgment call made by the superintendent or designee for all schools. Official closing is posted on the NSBSD website by 6:30am the day of school. NSBSD does not operate school when it is unsafe for students to travel to school. Considerations for determining safety are specific to each site locale and equipment and should be assessed thoroughly.
Elements to consider include but are not limited to:
1. Temperature: Generally, school is canceled when Frostbite formation temperature is less than 5 mins per NOAA Wind Chill Chart.
2. Visibility: If visibility less than 100ft School is canceled or delayed.
3. Road Condition: Drive roads unsafe conditions, extremely icy areas, large snow drifts. Communicate with Public works to determine if snow plowing will occur.
4. Communication with Public Work: If the service area impacted is greater than 25% of student population impassable either cancel or delay. If it's less than 25 % of student population, then the school is delayed.
We will delay if Public work advise us to do so.